

分类:美国公证认证 日期:2019-06-11


“委托书 三级认证”的图片搜索结果

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  • 中国驻美使领馆签证、公证、认证、学历认证代办机构
  • 文书起草、当地公证、州政府认证、大使馆、领事馆公证认证
  • 在美定居中国退休人员健在证
  • 中国房产买卖及财产处理委托书
  • 美国出生证或死亡证认证
  • 在美无犯罪记录认证
  • 办理中国出生公证委托书
  • 回中国结婚登记声明书
  • 在美身份认证
  • 单身声明书
  • 委托中国国内代理事务授权书
  • 美国法院诉讼文件认证
  • 小孩送回国寄养或领养委托书
  • 美国营业执照、法人身份、银行资信认证
  • 中国遗产继承权声明书
  • 在美留学学历证明认证
  • 放弃在中国财产继承权声明书
  • 在美居住人员回国领取养老金资格认证
  • 中国驻美大使馆、各总领事馆查件、代取件及回邮服务
  • 中国因私护照更名加注
  • 中英文翻译公证认证

Last Update Date:6-11-2019



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:

  1. Lihua

    I need my statement about giving up inheritance right to my brother’s real estate to be authenticated by Chinese Consulate in Chicago. The document is already authenticated by Secretary of State of Colorado. I will send the document to your office for the authentication by Chicago Consulate, but I have a few questions to ask.
    1. Where should I send the document? I couldn’t find the address of your Chicago Office.
    2. It seems I have to mail the original document to you because the Seal of the Colorado State binds the notarized statement and the authenticated page together. Should I?
    3. Would Section 7 Agent information of the Consulate Application Form be filled by your office?
    4. How to pay the fee?

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您需要安装Acrobat Reader® 来打开PDF文件,用于填写领事馆申请表等。(我要下载)